Results for 'Adrian C. North'

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  1. Music and consumer behaviour.Adrian C. North & Hargreaves & J. David - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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  2. Music and marketing.Adrian C. North & Hargreaves & J. David - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda, Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    Using Self-Determination Theory to Examine Musical Participation and Well-Being.Amanda E. Krause, Adrian C. North & Jane W. Davidson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:439908.
    A recent surge of research has begun to examine music participation and well-being; however, a particular challenge with this work concerns theorizing around the associated well-being benefits of musical participation. Thus, the current research used Self-Determination Theory to consider the potential associations between basic psychological needs (competence, relatedness, and autonomy), self-determined autonomous motivation, and the perceived benefits to well-being controlling for demographic variables and the musical activity parameters. A sample of 192 Australian residents (17-85, Mage = 36.95), who were currently (...)
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  4. Experimental aesthetics and liking for music.David J. Hargreaves & North & C. Adrian - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda, Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    Ethical and Clinical Considerations at the Intersection of Functional Neuroimaging and Disorders of Consciousness.Adrian C. Byram, Grace Lee, Adrian M. Owen, Urs Ribary, A. Jon Stoessl, Andrea Townson & Judy Illes - 2016 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (4):613-622.
    :Recent neuroimaging research on disorders of consciousness provides direct evidence of covert consciousness otherwise not detected clinically in a subset of severely brain-injured patients. These findings have motivated strategic development of binary communication paradigms, from which researchers interpret voluntary modulations in brain activity to glean information about patients’ residual cognitive functions and emotions. The discovery of such responsiveness raises ethical and legal issues concerning the exercise of autonomy and capacity for decisionmaking on matters such as healthcare, involvement in research, and (...)
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  6. Review Symposium: A tale full of sound and fury but what does it signify?Adrian C. Brock - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (1):108-113.
  7. Review symposium.Adrian C. Brock - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (3):148-153.
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    Psychology's path towards a mature science: An examination of the myths.Adrian C. Brock - 2011 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 31 (4):250-257.
    This article is an invited comment on the article by George Mandler in the same issue. It is suggested that the latter contains a series of myths that are popular among psychologists. These are that psychology was fragmented into “schools” in the 1920s and 30s and that this led several writers to declare that it was in a state of crisis. It is said to have overcome this crisis by becoming more eclectic and incorporating the best aspects of the various (...)
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    The Sciences of the Soul: The Early Modern Origins of Psychology - by Fernando Vidal.Adrian C. Brock - 2014 - Centaurus 56 (3):198-200.
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    On the Origins of Symmetry and Modularity in the Proteasome Family.Adrian C. D. Fuchs & Marcus D. Hartmann - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (5):1800237.
    The proteasome family of proteases comprises oligomeric assemblies of very different symmetry. In different sizes, it features ring‐like oligomers with dihedral symmetry that allow the stacking of further rings of regulatory subunits as observed in the modular proteasome system, but also less symmetric helical assemblies. Comprehensive sequence and structural analyses of proteasome homologs reveal a parsimonious scenario of how symmetry may have emerged from a monomeric ancestral precursor and how it may have evolved throughout the proteasome family. The four characterized (...)
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    Causal and interpretive analysis in sociology.Adrian C. Hayes - 1985 - Sociological Theory 3 (2):1-10.
  12. Incidencia de la proliferación de ONGs en la subjetividad de los argentinos.Adrián C. Manzi - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (4):14 - 16.
    Por razones de modificación en la estructura económica y política y ante la evidencia que el Estado fue retrayéndose de sus actividades de regulación y control sobre la vida política y social, comenzaron a crecer las llamadas "organizaciones sin fines de lucro". Nos encontramos con una coincidente proliferación de las ONG de diversos ámbitos durante décadas del '80 y '90 con diferentes objetivos, estructuras de instituirse y relacionarse, formas de relacionarse y subsistir que acompañan y son acompañadas de las normativas (...)
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    East Indians in Trinidad: A Study of Cultural Persistence.Adrian C. Mayer & Morton Klass - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (3):430.
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    On the Gender of Shrines and the Daijōsai.Adrian C. Mayer - 1992 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 19 (1):69-80.
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    Mechanisms and mental phenomena.Adrian C. Moulyn - 1947 - Philosophy of Science 14 (July):242-253.
    One gains the impression from occasional remarks in the psychiatric literature that there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with the state of flux of the various concepts, serving as tools to help us understand our patients. This paper is submitted as an attempt to point out some of the reasons why psychiatric notions suffer from certain deficiencies. If, for the time being, we set aside the specific psychiatric problems confronting us in our daily work and muse over the structure of (...)
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    Purposeful and non-purposeful behavior.Adrian C. Moulyn - 1951 - Philosophy of Science 18 (2):154.
    May I suggest that there is an angle to the problem of purposeful and non-purposeful behavior which has been overlooked in the recent discussions in this journal, namely, the psychological side of the problem.
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    Reflections on the problem of time in relation to neurophysiology and psychology.Adrian C. Moulyn - 1952 - Philosophy of Science 19 (1):33-49.
    In a previous paper it was suggested that specific concepts are needed in the psychological sciences and the basic mental triad was described as a useful tool to further our understanding of mentation. It was stated that the sensori-motor reflex principle cannot describe and explain mental phenomena, because the reflex is basically a mechanistic occurrence, while mental phenomena differ in essence from mechanisms. Since conditioned reflexes can be conceived as sensori-motor reflexes with another, non-mechanistic factor superimposed, similarities and contrasts between (...)
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  18. Structure, function and purpose.Adrian C. Moulyn - 1957 - New York,: Liberal Arts Press.
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    Structure, Fonction and Purpose: An Inquiry Into the Concepts and Methods of Biology from the Viewpoint of Time.Adrian C. Moulyn - 1957 - Liberal Arts Press.
  20. Structure, Function and Purpose.Adrian C. Moulyn & Y. H. Krikorian - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (2):225-226.
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    The functions of point and line in time measuring operations.Adrian C. Moulyn - 1952 - Philosophy of Science 19 (2):141-155.
    Measuring time is expressing temporal relationships between objects in terms of spatial relationships with the aid of geometric points, straight lines and clocks. The concepts, point and line, are abstracted from the concrete substratum of sensory experience. This process of abstraction is integrated with the psychological processes which go on within an observer who is reading a clock. The analysis of clock-reading from a psychological point of view points up the necessity to differentiate between two modalities of time: objective time, (...)
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  22. Eclipse dragons, seasonal change, and the salvation of light : a case of overlapping cosmologies in Manichaeism.Adrian C. Pirtea - 2022 - In Bill M. Mak & Eric Huntington, Overlapping cosmologies in Asia: transcultural and interdisciplinary approaches. Boston: Brill.
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  23. Eclipse dragons, seasonal change, and the salvation of light : a case of overlapping cosmologies in Manichaeism.Adrian C. Pirtea - 2022 - In Bill M. Mak & Eric Huntington, Overlapping cosmologies in Asia: transcultural and interdisciplinary approaches. Boston: Brill.
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  24. Apprentissage, Institutions, et Performance Économique.C. Mantzavinos, Douglass North & Syed Shariq - 2009 - L'Année Sociologique 59 (2):469-492.
    Dans cet article, nous offrons un large aperçu des interactions entre cognition, systèmes de croyances et institutions, et comment elles affectent la performance économique. Nous estimons qu'une meilleure compréhension de l’émergence des institutions, de leurs propriétés de fonctionnement et de leurs effets sur les résultats politiques et économiques doit commencer par une analyse des processus cognitifs. Nous explorons la nature de l'apprentissage individuel et collectif, en soulignant que la question n'est pas de savoir si les agents ont une rationalité parfaite (...)
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  25. Lernen, Institutionen und Wirtschaftsleistung.C. Mantzavinos, Douglass C. North & Syed Shariq - 2005 - Analyse & Kritik 27 (2):320-337.
    This article provides a broad overview of the interplay among cognition, belief systems and institutions, fleshing out a position best characterized as 'cognitive institutionalism'. We argue that a deeper understanding of institutions, emergence, their working properties and their effect on economic performance should start with the analysis of cognitive processes. Exploring the nature of individual and collective learning the article suggests that the issue is not whether agents are perfectly or boundedly rational, but rather how human beings actually reason and (...)
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    Caste and Kinship in Central India.Lewis Levine & Adrian C. Mayer - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (2):150.
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    Genetics and genomics in wildlife studies: Implications for ecology, evolution, and conservation biology.Fernando Cruz, Adrian C. Brennan, Alejandro Gonzalez-Voyer, Violeta Muñoz-Fuentes, Muthukrishnan Eaaswarkhanth, Séverine Roques & F. Xavier Picó - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (3):245-246.
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    Culture and morality: essays in honour of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf.Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf & Adrian C. Mayer (eds.) - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    “Editing” Genes: A Case Study About How Language Matters in Bioethics.Meaghan O'Keefe, Sarah Perrault, Jodi Halpern, Lisa Ikemoto, Mark Yarborough & U. C. North Bioethics Collaboratory for Life & Health Sciences - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):3-10.
    Metaphors used to describe new technologies mediate public understanding of the innovations. Analyzing the linguistic, rhetorical, and affective aspects of these metaphors opens the range of issues available for bioethical scrutiny and increases public accountability. This article shows how such a multidisciplinary approach can be useful by looking at a set of texts about one issue, the use of a newly developed technique for genetic modification, CRISPRcas9.
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    Two compartmental models of EEG coherence and MRI biophysics.R. W. Thatcher, J. F. Gomez-Molina, C. Biver, D. North, R. Curtin & R. W. Walker - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):412-412.
    Studies have shown that as MRI T2 relaxation time lengthens there is a shift toward more unbound or “free-water” and less partitioning of the protein/lipid molecules per unit volume. A shift toward less water partitioning or lengthened MRI T2 relaxation time is linearly related to reduced high frequency EEG amplitude, reduced short distance EEG coherence, increased long distance EEG coherence, and reduced cognitive functioning (Thatcher et al. 1998a; 1998b).
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    Understanding the Process of Economic Change.Douglass C. North - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    This book is vintage North."--Barry Weingast, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University "In this book Douglass North once again opens new frontiers in economic research.
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    Beyond Black and White: Assessing the Legitimacy of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives between the Descriptive and the Normative Perspective.Adrian Gombert & Rebecca C. Ruehle - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-35.
    Research on the legitimacy of multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) continues to thrive, however, the vague distinction between descriptive and normative legitimacy seems to cause growing confusion. In our paper, we identify three problems in the literature on MSI legitimacy: lack of precision regarding which of the two forms is used; blurring of boundaries between them; and ambiguity of assessment when assessing MSI legitimacy with the help of fine-grained criteria. These three problems, we argue, are not only detrimental to construct clarity but (...)
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  33. Scientific imperialism, pluralism, and folk morality.Adrian Walsh & Sandy C. Boucher - 2018 - In A. Walsh, U. Maki & M. F. Pinto, Scientific Imperialism. pp. 13-30.
    Current debates over so-called ‘scientific imperialism’, on one plausible reading, explore significant general issues about the proper boundaries between distinct disciplines. They raise questions about whether some forms of territorial expansion by scientific disciplines into other domains of inquiry are undesirable. Clearly there is a strong normative undercurrent here, as the use of the pejorative term ‘imperialism’ would indicate. However, we face a genuine puzzle here: why should we regard some forms of expansion as illegitimate? Why should any particular boundaries (...)
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  34. Who’s watching? Surveillance, big data and applied ethics in the digital age.Adrian Walsh & Sandy C. Boucher - 2022 - Research in Ethical Issues in Organisations 26.
    Editors' Introduction to the special issue of Research in Ethical Issues in Organisations, the proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Professional and Applied Ethics, hosted by the Discipline of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of New England in 2020.
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    Jet fuel exposure and auditory outcomes in Australian air force personnel.Adrian Fuente, Louise Hickson, Thais C. Morata, Warwick Williams, Asaduzzaman Khan & Eduardo Fuentes-Lopez - 2019 - BMC Public Health 19 (1):675.
    Animal data suggest that jet fuels such as JP-8 are associated with hearing deficits when combined with noise and that the effect is more pronounced than with noise exposure alone. Some studies suggest peripheral dysfunction while others suggest central auditory dysfunction. Human data are limited in this regard. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible chronic adverse effects of JP-8 combined with noise exposure on the peripheral and central auditory systems in humans. Fifty-seven participants who were current (...)
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    Informal payments by patients, institutional trust and institutional asymmetry.Adrian V. Horodnic, Colin C. Williams, Claudia Ioana Ciobanu & Daniela Druguș - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the extent of the practice of using informal payments for accessing the services of public clinics or hospitals across Europe and to explain the prevalence of this corrupt practice using the framework of institutional theory. To achieve this, a multi-level mixed-effect logistic regression on 25,744 interviews undertaken in 2020 with patients across 27 European Union countries is conducted. The finding is that the practice of making informal payments remains a prevalent practice, although (...)
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    The Light of nature: essays in the history and philosophy of science presented to A.C. Crombie.John David North, John J. Roche & A. C. Crombie (eds.) - 1985 - Hingham, MA: Distributors for the United States and Canada Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    INTRODUCTION This volume of essays is meant as a tribute to Alistair Crombie by some of those who have studied with him. The occasion of its publication is ...
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    People and Profits: The Impact of Corporate Objectives on Employees’ Need Satisfaction at Work.Bidhan L. Parmar, Adrian Keevil & Andrew C. Wicks - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):13-33.
    For decades, scholars have debated the corporate objective. Scholars have either advocated a corporate objective focused on generating value for shareholders or creating value for multiple groups of stakeholders. Although it has been established that the corporate objective can shape many aspects of the corporation—including culture, compensation, and decision making—to date, scholars have not yet explored its psychological impact; particularly, how the corporate objective might influence employee well-being. In this article, we explore how two views of the corporate objective affect (...)
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    Beyond “Monologicality”? Exploring Conspiracist Worldviews.Bradley Franks, Adrian Bangerter, Martin W. Bauer, Matthew Hall & Mark C. Noort - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:250235.
    Conspiracy theories (CTs) are widespread ways by which people make sense of unsettling or disturbing cultural events. Belief in CTs is often connected to problematic consequences, such as decreased engagement with conventional political action or even political extremism, so understanding the psychological and social qualities of CTs belief is important. CTs have often been understood to be “monological”, displaying the tendency for belief in one conspiracy theory to be correlated with belief in (many) others. Explanations of monologicality invoke a nomothetical (...)
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    Comments.Douglass C. North - 2000 - In Masahiko Aoki & Yujiro Hayami, Communities and Markets in Economic Development. Oxford University Press UK.
    This section presents Douglass North’s comments on the drafts of the chapters discussed during the final conference leading to the current book. He discusses the fundamentals of human interaction, and argues that a useful common denominator of human interaction is a transaction cost approach. Human beings are concerned with costs of measurement, enforcement, and different kinds of exchange conditions. Thus, they follow very different patterns, which have been elucidated in a number of papers in the conference. He makes special (...)
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    Patient data for commercial companies? An ethical framework for sharing patients’ data with for-profit companies for research.Eva C. Winkler, Martin Jungkunz, Adrian Thorogood, Vincent Lotz & Christoph Schickhardt - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    BackgroundResearch using data from medical care promises to advance medical science and improve healthcare. Academia is not the only sector that expects such research to be of great benefit. The research-based health industry is also interested in so-called ‘real-world’ health data to develop new drugs, medical technologies or data-based health applications. While access to medical data is handled very differently in different countries, and some empirical data suggest people are uncomfortable with the idea of companies accessing health information, this paper (...)
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    Sustainable Business Development and Management Theories.Andrew C. Wicks, Adrian Keevil & Bobby Parmar - 2012 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 31 (3-4):375-398.
    There is growing appreciation of the challenges posed by our current economic activity in terms of the natural environment. Increasingly, people have come to appreciate that business must not only be more aware of its environmental impact, but also must be more environmentally sustainable in its core operations. Academic theories of management influence managerial practice. They clarify what is important to the corporation, and where managers and employees should direct their attention. The focus of this paper is to explore the (...)
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  43. Is it worth making sense of Marx?Douglass C. North - 1986 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 29 (1-4):57 – 63.
    This essay explores Elster's analysis of Marx's theory of historical evolution. The meaning of the terras ?productive forces? and the ?relations of production? are examined both as specified by Marx and interpreted by Elster. The essay then goes on to demonstrate how the modern literature on transaction costs can provide a more precise and useful framework within which to explore the ongoing tension between productive forces and relations of production.
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    A verification of the guessing-sequence hypothesis about spread of effect.C. A. Fagan & A. J. North - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (5):349.
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  45. Explaining Economic Change: The Interplay between Cognition and Institutions, with J. Knight.D. C. North - 1997 - Legal Theory 3 (3).
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  46. Isaiah 40–55.C. R. North - 1952
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    Institutions and Economics.Douglass C. North - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel, A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 713–721.
    Economic theory is built on assumptions about human behavior – assumptions which are embodied in rational choice theory. Underlying those assumptions are implicit notions about how the mind works. Until recently economists have not self‐consciously examined those implicit notions, but recent work in economics and particularly game theory has forced economists to explore the sources of the beliefs that underlie economic choices and therefore to build a bridge between cognitive science and economics. In this essay I explore the path of (...)
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    On Kenneth Binmore’s Natural Justice.Douglass C. North - 2006 - Analyse & Kritik 28 (1):102-103.
    Ken Binmore has written an exciting book and I am in complete agreement with his objectives and conclusions. But his approach is flawed because of his reliance on tools of analysis to understand the way the mind and brain have developed that are not up to explaining our evolving understanding of the human environment.
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    Toward a Property-Rights Theory of Exploitation.Douglass C. North & Margaret Levi - 1982 - Politics and Society 11 (3):315-320.
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  50. How to be a type-C physicalist.Adrian Boutel - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (2):301-320.
    This paper advances a version of physicalism which reconciles the “a priori entailment thesis” (APET) with the analytic independence of our phenomenal and physical vocabularies. The APET is the claim that, if physicalism is true, the complete truths of physics imply every other truth a priori. If so, “cosmic hermeneutics” is possible: a demon having only complete knowledge of physics could deduce every truth about the world. Analytic independence is a popular physicalist explanation for the apparent “epistemic gaps” between phenomenal (...)
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